Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Modern Day Governess

I am a big fan of all things Austen, well all things truely Austen not others trying to be Austen like Becoming Jane and Lost in Austen (Not to say I completely hate them but they just aren't Austen.) I love the time period, the world, the clothes, and the values. I have pondered which character I would be if I was in a Jane Austen novel: the quickwitted Lizzy, the very generous Jane, the kind hearted Anne, the sometimes silly Emma, or the bookworm Mary. And while I would want to be the most charming and endearing of characters in her books I have come to see the last little while that my life more closely parallels Jane Eyre. Not even a Jane Austen character. Austen just didn't tell my story so I'll have to be Jane Eyre instead. (Though I just want to add that I pass on the failing in love with a married man part.)

Jane taught school for two years at Lowood after she had finished her education there and then she became a governess. After I finished my education, I taught high school (though only for one year) and then became a home school teacher. Which is the modern day equivalent of a governess. There are some differences obviously like I do not live with the family I work for, and thankfully I am not looked down on for being "the help." But pretty much the rest of it is similar to what I do. And I LOVE it.

Tomorrow is my first official day starting a new "Governess" position teaching a 5 year old. I have shadowed the previous teacher for two days to learn the schedule but tomorrow it's all me. I teach him full time while his parents work from home. It's like a normal school day with only one student and in a home instead of a school. So we have lots of time to do activites, learn, and play. We have a lots of fun.

I leave there everyday with a smile on my face. I love teaching and watching kids learn. And getting to play all day. It is the best job in the world! So while I am glad I wasn't a governess in Jane Austen times because they didn't have the best situation I am so glad to be a modern day governess.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Last night, I went to see Brave with some friends. And to be honest I was disappointed. From the previews it looked like it would be a good movie but left the story line a mystery. I hate spoilers. In fact, I almost never read the full back cover of a book because it gives too much away. I will read a sentence or two to see if the world sounds interesting. I am a person that loves the journey of the characters and the story. I rarely make predictions about what's going to happen next unless the writer is wanting me to. So the previews not giving a lot away about the plot but still being able to capture my interest is a plus for me. Then I get to go watch the movie and be taken on the journey.

I went to the theatre really excited to see Brave and see what great story was going to come out of it. But it turned out to be a fairly typical story line. There was one thing that was not what usually happens but the rest was verypredictable and typical of its genre. (I am being purposely fague so I don't ruin it for anyone. Cause I HATE spoilers. Did I mention that?) So I left disappointed and unsatisfied. That's not to say that the whole thing was terrible and I hated it. It made me laugh and there were some good parts but I am not going to put it on my list of movies I would like to own.

Anyway, all that was to say that Brave helped me come to a realization. I have never been one to have a favorite movie because how can I pick just one? I have a list of favorites. (As an ironic side note my sister actually just put a post on her blog about the same thing. I promise I was planning this post before I ever saw hers. But you can check it out here. She is hilarious and her kids adorable so you should check out her other posts too. You won't regret it. Wait...then my blog will look even lamer. On second thought stick to my blog.) My favorite Disney movie is Emperor's New Groove. But I also really love Tarzan. And to adopt my sister's method my favorite romantic comedy is While You Were Sleeping. (These mash potatoes are so creamy. Mary mashed 'em.) And the list can go on and on.

Well, last night while watching Brave I realized that I was comparing all movies to one movie which I love! During the previews I thought "Hm looks interesting but I don't know if it will be as good as..." Upon reflection I think it comes down to the fact that I now have A FAVORITE MOVIE. This is interesting and ultimately very life changing for me to have a favorite. And who knows how long it will last but for now it is definitely my favorite movie. A movie which I could watch over and over and over again if only I owned a copy of it. (So maybe it's best that I don't.) A movie that makes me laugh everytime and cry... from laughing so hard. A movie that has so many wonderful quotable lines which makes me want to watch it over and over and over so that I can memorize the whole movie. A movie that is unique and is not the same story that had been told so many times. A movie that is not full of terrible acting but full of actors who are terribly witty. (see what I did there) A movie that makes me smile just thinking about it.

So what is this movie that is so amazing that has broken my tradition of not picking favorites to climb to the very top of my list, you ask? Well let me tell you. Drum roll please....... MEGAMIND. Yes, indeed my favorite movie is MEGAMIND. It feels so freeing to admit it. I love Megamind! I do. Him and his ginormous blue head. And Minion. And Roxane. And Metro Man. And Bernard. And even Hal. They are all so wonderfully hilarious! And I am not ashamed to admitt it.

Since this post is now long and you are probably sick of reading it, I'll make it longer by ending with some photos and favorite quotes from Megamind.

You were right. And I was .... less right.

Ah, you don't know what's good for bad.

Girls, girls. You're both pretty. Can I go home now?


Megamind: Over here, old friend. In case you haven't noticed you've fallen right into my trap.
Metro Man: Can't trap justice. It's an idea. A belief.
M: But even the most heart felt belief can be corroded over time.
MM: Justice is a non corrosive metal.
M: But metals can be melted by the heat of revonge.
MM: It's revenge and it's best served cold.
M: But it can be easily reheated in the microwave of evil!
MM: Well, I think your warranty is about to expire.
M: Maybe I got an extended warranty.
MM: Warranties are invalid if you don't use the product for it's intended purpose.

R: Can someone stamp my frequent kidnapping card?
M: You of all people should know we discontinued that promotion.

R: And you left us with him? No offense.
M: No, I'm with you.

R: What's the plan?
M: It most involves not dying.
R: I like that plan.

I am  forcing myself to stop now because really the whole movie is quotable and fantastic as I mentioned. If you have not seen this movie go watch it right NOW! Do it! Do it now!