Friday, January 17, 2014

Failed Passport Picture Shoot or I'm So Vain

I decided to get out my camera and tripod and to take a "selfie" for a passport photo and save myself a few bucks. Well, unfortunately all the ones that meet the qualifications stunk. But I did manage to get some that turned out and thought what better place to post them then on my blog. Since I may never do anything with them again at least they won't go unseen forever. 

Disclaimer: I am not usually a post a billion pictures of myself kind of person. Not very often do I get a picture that I think looks good so to get several at once I thought I better share. Hope you enjoy!

 You may be thinking "Um you posted the exact same picture twice." Actually, they are different. Can you figure it out?
 It's the eyes. One I'm looking down and the other at the camera. I couldn't decided which one I liked best. So I thought I'd let you decide. What do you think?

And I think this one is my favorite.

I learned that it is hard to take a good picture of yourself when you are taller than your tripod. Shots from below are just not flattering.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I am kind of late in posting this. It would have been more appropriate in early December than in mid January but I still want to post it. I would appreciate it if you would pretend that it is December.

(Pardon the angle that makes it look like the tree is falling over.)
In July my client was moving and decided to get ride of her other Christmas Tree that she doesn't use anymore because she has a pre lit tree. I snatched it up real quick because my tree is very scrawny. I have wanted to put up the new tree since July to see what it looks like but held off till December to do it. It is a very big tree! (Too big for our little house truthfully.) It has a 5 foot diameter and is very full. But I LOVE this tree! It brings me happiness to look at it even though it is crammed in the corner of our dinning room with the table covering half of it. It has the branches that are very realistic looking. It's very nice tree. And it was free, can't beat that! Now I just need a house to accommodate such a beautiful tree. (Anyone planning to give one of those away?)
We decided to put out all of our Nativity sets and put them on top of our entertainment center. I think it turned out well.
 I found this Nativity last year and fell in love. It is made out of erasers. My student at the time loved erasers and every kind of them. When I found this I had to get him one and everyone else I knew as well. It is just precious. Erasers, who knew right? It's kind of cool symbolism too. If you make a mistake you can erase it with Baby Jesus just like the Atonement helps us correct our mistakes in life. It's small but I have found that I have a thing for little Nativities especially the unique styles.
 Our mantel with Stockings hung by the Chimney with care. Actually two of our stockings had already fallen when I took this picture. And those aren't the only stockings either. We have these as well.
And these which all had Stacy's name on them so they went above her door. But that wasn't all. We also had 4 of the mini stockings on the tree. In total we had 17 stockings between the two of us. I think we've got that part covered.
You can't forget the Mistletoe. The great thing about this one is it is Mistletoe on the go. You can suction it to your forehead to take with you where ever you may need it.
 And I wrapped our door like a present. It did have a gift tag that said Merry Christmas but it blew off in a storm and got ruined. :( It made it look that much more like a present.
 Here is a close up of the boy on the door. I had to show it because I am so proud of myself because I made that bow. I usually am not good with bows but I think this one turned out nice.
 I put up a "Happy Birthday Stacy" tag on for her birthday. Here is a pic so that you can see what the door looks like with the tag. It wasn't a great shot cause it was raining when I took it but it gives you the idea.

That is how we decorated our house for Christmas this year. Maybe now that I've posted this I can feel better about taking the decorations down. (Don't judge!) Does Christmas really have to be over already?

Friday, January 10, 2014

A few more Minion Hats

I enjoyed the minion hats I made before so much that I decided a few more people needed to have a minion hat including myself.
This is the one I made for E'leesha.
 More that I made for friends. Plus mine.
I love how the eyes turned out on this one.
I made mine with the ear flaps. I had never made a hat with ear flaps so I thought I would experiment with my own hat first.

I like it but learned that ears are not perfectly center on our heads. They sit a little further back. Or at least my ears do. So with my perfectly centered ear flaps on my hat they don't sit correctly on the head. They cover the ears but the flaps are not centered over the ears they are a little too far forward. I think if I put one side back about 5 stitches it would do the trick. But now I know how to make ear flaps. 

 Ah I just love these minion hats. I want to keep making them though I am getting tired of making them. But they're just so cute! The curse of the cute minion hat.
In all I have made 7 yellow and 5 purple minion hats.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Stacy!!!

It's my roommate's birthday today! I decided to take the opportunity to throw her a surprise party. She had a busy day but I manage to get her to schedule me in for dinner. Little did she know that it wasn't going to be just me. 

Blogger is not playing nice and won't let me load the video so I guess you'll have to watch it on Facebook. But here are some pics!

 Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Stacy! Happy birthday to you!
Make a wish!
 Keep blowing you're half way there!
Just a little more!
Well, there's always next year! The worst part about getting older is trying to blow all those candles out each year. It just gets harder and harder. Happy birthday my awesome roommate!! I hope the rest of it is great too.