Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Stacy!!!

It's my roommate's birthday today! I decided to take the opportunity to throw her a surprise party. She had a busy day but I manage to get her to schedule me in for dinner. Little did she know that it wasn't going to be just me. 

Blogger is not playing nice and won't let me load the video so I guess you'll have to watch it on Facebook. But here are some pics!

 Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Stacy! Happy birthday to you!
Make a wish!
 Keep blowing you're half way there!
Just a little more!
Well, there's always next year! The worst part about getting older is trying to blow all those candles out each year. It just gets harder and harder. Happy birthday my awesome roommate!! I hope the rest of it is great too.

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