Friday, January 10, 2014

A few more Minion Hats

I enjoyed the minion hats I made before so much that I decided a few more people needed to have a minion hat including myself.
This is the one I made for E'leesha.
 More that I made for friends. Plus mine.
I love how the eyes turned out on this one.
I made mine with the ear flaps. I had never made a hat with ear flaps so I thought I would experiment with my own hat first.

I like it but learned that ears are not perfectly center on our heads. They sit a little further back. Or at least my ears do. So with my perfectly centered ear flaps on my hat they don't sit correctly on the head. They cover the ears but the flaps are not centered over the ears they are a little too far forward. I think if I put one side back about 5 stitches it would do the trick. But now I know how to make ear flaps. 

 Ah I just love these minion hats. I want to keep making them though I am getting tired of making them. But they're just so cute! The curse of the cute minion hat.
In all I have made 7 yellow and 5 purple minion hats.

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