Friday, January 17, 2014

Failed Passport Picture Shoot or I'm So Vain

I decided to get out my camera and tripod and to take a "selfie" for a passport photo and save myself a few bucks. Well, unfortunately all the ones that meet the qualifications stunk. But I did manage to get some that turned out and thought what better place to post them then on my blog. Since I may never do anything with them again at least they won't go unseen forever. 

Disclaimer: I am not usually a post a billion pictures of myself kind of person. Not very often do I get a picture that I think looks good so to get several at once I thought I better share. Hope you enjoy!

 You may be thinking "Um you posted the exact same picture twice." Actually, they are different. Can you figure it out?
 It's the eyes. One I'm looking down and the other at the camera. I couldn't decided which one I liked best. So I thought I'd let you decide. What do you think?

And I think this one is my favorite.

I learned that it is hard to take a good picture of yourself when you are taller than your tripod. Shots from below are just not flattering.

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