Sunday, February 14, 2016

Roatan, Honduras

On Wednesday we arrived in Roatan, Honduras. We met that morning in my brother's room, so our first view of Roatan was off his balcony. WOW! It was breathtaking. We could also hear a local group down below playing music and it felt like we had arrived in Paradise. It was gorgeous. I am now a believer in love at first sight because I fell in love with Roatan in that moment!

These pictures don't quite do the place justice because you can't see it all in one picture but you can see part of the gorgeousness of this place. 
 Look at how blue the water is!! The water was so clear and blue I could hardly believe it. I had heard that the water here was clear and blue but seeing it for myself was still totally different.

 My family as we gathered on the balcony looking over Paradise.
 The kids wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a great shot with the background exposed as well but I still thought this was cute.
I was so in love with Roatan that I took a ton of pictures. And now as I look through them I can't decide between some of them. So you get lots of pics. 
 We decided to go shopping this day. So we wandered around the different shops and saw a lot of great stuff. 
 Isn't this just charming. I was so charmed by this place.

 It was very warm in Roatan the day we were there. Our other stops were all really perfect weather in the high 70s. Not too hot but warm enough to get in the warm. But in Roatan it was HOT! And it was January. I am glad I didn't go there in the summer. 

 You can kind of see on the right shore in this picture a little sandy area. After lunch I walked down to this little beach area and went swimming in the water. It was so pretty. It was funny as I swam around there would be warm patches of water and then a cold patch and then warm. It was hot enough out side that both the warm water and the cold felt refreshing. It was AWESOME!
 This was our cruise ship, the Norwegian Dawn. 
 I liked this sign and had to take a picture.
 We decided to go get lunch on the  boat because we were still close by and it was free on the boat. As we were waiting on the balcony we saw my brother and his father-in-law coming back on the boat. 
 Us on the balcony and them way down below.

Roatan was amazing. I didn't get to see much of the island just the part near the port but I loved what I saw. Maybe someday I will get to go see more of it. This was my favorite port as far as views and location. I loved it there!

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