Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas morning

I spent Christmas with my brother's family. Here are his boys coming downstairs to see what Santa brought.

 Getting their first look at the presents.
 Santa brought the two oldest bikes.

 Grandma and Grandpa got a Kitchen for the little girl. Her first word when she came in was "kitchen."
 She loved her kitchen and has been making food and taking on the phone ever since.
 Here are the kids ready to open their first presents,

 A Belle doll for Belle.
Their grandparents got them a big surprise and sent them running around the house reading clues to find out what it was.
 When they looked out the window the saw... a trampoline.
 Here they are running down to try it out.

 They've been bouncing ever since.

Belle got bubbles and had lots of fun popping them.

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