Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dickens on the Strand

This weekend was Dickens on the Strand where people dress up in Victorian Costumes. There are shows and vendors and other fun stuff. Kind of like a Renaissance Fair but Victorian England. I decided that I wanted to make a dress for it this year. With the help of my friend Cheryl Thrift, I got the stuff and have been working on it in my spare time since October. (Thus the lack of posts recently.) I convinced some of my friends to go with me and Cheryl loaned them some dresses to wear. The Festival was an hour away so we decided to get dressed once we got there and not get our dresses all wrinkled and try to sit in a car with them. So this is some of our group before with left in our warm underclothing. (It was in the 30s that day, which is way too cold for Texas. Those of you crazy enough to live where it is colder you don't need to mock us because we aren't used to the cold weather.)
 Once we got there we put on our dresses in the parking lot. It was cold and lacing up the dresses with frozen fingers wasn't easy. Here is our assembly line getting everyone dressed.
 Here we are dressed and ready to roll. I'm in the green, Deanna (black), Amanda (pink), Josh (pink), and Jessica (purple).
 Here is our patroness, Cheryl Thrift, none of us would have looked this good without her.
 Cheryl and I. Isn't her dress fabulous?! 
 Josh and Amanda. or should we say Michael and Amanda?
 I am fixing Deanna's wardrobe malfunction.
 Super cute Amanda. Rocking her pink dress.
Earl and Cheryl Thrift. 
Here is our stalker and door opener Brad. He didn't want to dress up. Can't imagine why. 

 Aren't they super cute?
Brad bailed real early. Guess it's a good thing he didn't live in Victorian England. 

 Shark face
 We ran into Christine at Dickens.
Strolling down the street, trying to stay warm. Did I mention that it was freezing? Well, it was.

It was "loads good" as Amanda would say. There are more pictures to come. So stay tuned but I wanted to get these up to get you excited for more. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks amazing!!! How fun would that've been?! I'm excited for more pics!
